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Driving Forward Together. Championing the Next Generation of Golfers

Reach One, Teach One

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Our mission is to provide a comprehensive golf program that nurtures the development of youth and through mentorship, we aim to instill life skills and promote higher education. 

Greater Cleveland Junior Golf Scholarship Fund (GCJGSF) provides a comprehensive instructional golf program for youth ages 6-18, with a focus on underrepresented children. In addition to golf instruction, GCJGSF offers mentorship, promotes education through scholarships, LPGA*USGA Girls Golf and Youth On Course memberships to all participants.

GCJGSF encourages and sponsors its junior golfers to participate in numerous local and out-of-state golf tournaments, promoting the development of minority male and female golfers. The organization also hosts its own in-house PGA Jr. League which was established in 2023 to provide additional competitive opportunities for its members.


Are represented by our diverse membership spanning across the Greater Cleveland area, reflecting the program's broad reach and impact.


Since launching the LPGA*USGA Girls Golf program, the organization has maintained this high percentage, demonstrating our commitment to gender equity in golf.

41% Female Participation 

The number of college scholarships and financial aid assistance, supporting the educational aspirations of our young golfers


We've maintained this graduation rate among our participants for over four decades, underscoring our commitment to academic excellence alongside golf skill development.

100% High School Grads

Annual Report

Features updates on alumni accomplishments, new team members, and  celebrates the various accomplishments of current GCJGSF members, highlighting their progress and successes off the golf course.


Our Partners

"I learned a sport that made me into the man I am and introduced me to many adults that genuinely cared. GCJGSF was the impetus to my choice in my current profession in youth athletics.'"

George Gamble


" It most importantly taught me that "golf is a metaphor for life": That metaphor has three key life lessons: do your best, play with integrity and have fun! "

Samantha Durr


" GCJGSF taught me a lot more than the game of golf. They taught me patience, friendship, discipline, and a sense of belonging to something. Also learned how to work well in groups!"

Brandon McCain



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